Calendar Events and Lesson Reports
By clicking Calendar, you will be brought to a calendar view showing all of your upcoming lessons.
How to create a new calendar event from the calendar page
Click the + Add New Lesson button on top to add a new lesson.
A pop up box will come up with a dropdown of all of your current jobs. Choose the job for which you would like to create a calendar event/lesson, then hit Create Lesson.
Adding Past Lessons
If you're adding the lesson after the fact, you will see this screen.
But you should not have to add past lessons, ever. You should have all your lessons added to the calendar far in the future so both you and your student get upcoming lesson reminders, etc.
Adding Future Lessons
If you're adding the lesson for the future, you will see the screen below.
Choose the date and time for the future lesson.
Then also add the end time. You will see the duration change in the center as you do this.
Add a Topic/Title to the lesson. Also, you will be able to see which locations are available at that time.
Click the location menu and you can choose the location of the lesson. It should be filled with the correct location by default. But you can choose another location if you choose to move this particular lesson.
Then click the Schedule Future Lesson button.
Once the event is created you will see the event on your calendar. At any time, you can go back to your calendar and click on it to view or edit information. Click "More details."
After you've clicked "More Details" you will see the page below. It provides all the details necessary for the lesson, even the address (hidden for privacy).
Webcam Lessons - Online Whiteboard
If you are holding a webcam lesson, just click "Online Whiteboard" and you'll be in the webcam lesson.
To get there from the Dashboard:
Go to the Job
Click on the Lesson event
Select the green Online Whiteboard button.
When the student is logged in they have a very similar view, so instruct them to log in at and follow the steps above to join the webcam lesson.
Here's a glimpse of some of the things you can do in your webcam lessons. Yeah... it's awesome.
Here's the side menu.
Back to the lesson overview. We highly recommend you make all of your lessons repeating.
Repeating Lessons
Start by clicking the Repeat Button.
When you click on the repeat button you'll see this view. It's very customizable. But most of you will just be having your lessons repeat every 1 week. And we recommend having the lessons repeat until the end of the student's subscription.
Cancelling Lessons
When lessons are cancelled we have a couple policies to keep in mind.
Students must contact you (their teacher) at least 48 hours in advance when they need to reschedule (24 hours for a VIP Pro). When they talk to you, set a date for the rescheduled lesson and just hit edit on the event and change the date and time. You can also hold a lesson for double the time next week, or extend the next few lessons to make up the time. To do this, select Cancelled on the current event and increase the time of the future events.
If they cancel with less than 48 hours notice (24 hours for a VIP Pro), just hit the Cancel button and click Cancelled but Chargeable. You will then be paid for that lesson and you don't need to make up the time with them.
Emergencies, sickness, and bad weather/driving conditions are all valid excuses for late cancellations, and the lesson should simply be rescheduled.
The same goes for you as the teacher. If you have to cancel and don't give the student 48 hours notice, then you have to give them a free lesson. Contact us and we'll set that up for you.
Completing Lessons and Typing Reports
When you're at the lesson, or immediately afterwards, submit your Lesson Report. Here’s how to do this:
In the student’s Job, select the actual lesson you will be submitting the report for. It should look like this in the Job:
Once you click the link for the specific lesson, you should see a page like this:
Hit the Mark Complete button, as shown.
This box will come up and you can type your notes about the lesson in there. This is called the Lesson Report.
Lesson Reports are sent to the student (and the parent, if any) and should include things like homework/practice assignments, encouragement, and any reminders you have for the student.
The Lesson Report will be immediately emailed to the client once you click Save Report, so keep that in mind.
You can format your Lesson Report using Markdown (a simple and common web formatting language) or just type normally and simply. If you like to format your lesson notes in fancy formatting styles, here's a tutorial for doing that in Markdown:
When you mark the lesson complete and save the report, a payment will be drafted for you which will be paid out on the next pay day (Tuesday).